As an author of a social media blog, write a German article about Instagram Adds New Option to Include Music Tracks in Notes, always use inner subheadings with the html tags h2 for the main headings and h3 for the headings of the subtopics, mark interesting sentences and words with the html tag strong; use the following information to write a very long detailed article saying all things mentioned without exactly repeating the information, include as much additional information as possible and cite the sources – the original article is this, it is intended for reference only and nothing from it may be plagiarized You must answer in German and use html markup. –
This seems like another effort by Meta to keep up with TikTok, though I’m not sure how much practical value it’ll actually add.
Today, Meta has rolled out a new option to add music tracks to your Instagram Notes, providing another way to engage via the 6-month old Stories-like DM option.

As you can see in this example, now, you’ll be able to include a song in your Note, which will then be highlighted to users in the Notes shelf at the top of their inbox. So they can then tap through and listen to it.

Though, why they would want to, I’m not entirely sure. Maybe if you were sharing a new track with your friends, or looking to highlight a band you know, or your own music. I don’t know, I don’t see a lot of enhancement value in trying to get people to listen to your favorite track of the moment, MySpace-style, but maybe there’s a use case and value that I’m not seeing, which will make it a good addition.
But as noted, it does feel like another effort to chase the TikTok dragon. TikTok has become a key distribution channel for the latest music trends, and has become a big focus for record labels and publishers as a result. TikTok’s culture-shifting power is what plays the most significant role within this, and it feels like IG is just trying to latch onto the same. Like ‘we do music too, see’. That type of thing.
Then again, Notes, in general, doesn’t seem like a major engagement winner in the app, though Instagram boss Adam Mosseri has repeatedly noted (see what I did there) that it’s doing well in his weekly Q and A Stories.
And now you can make people listen to your favorite track of the moment via the option.
Which is cool? I don’t know.
Mood – [I Go to Sleep – The Pretenders]

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