TikTok plant ein In-App-Event namens „LIVE Fest“, um das Live-Streaming und Live-Commerce auf der Plattform zu fördern. Bei dem globalen Event, das in über 50 Ländern und Regionen stattfindet, werden die besten Live-Creators herausgestellt und können an Herausforderungen und Aktivierungen teilnehmen. Der genaue Termin des Events wurde noch nicht bekannt gegeben, aber der Turnierzeitraum wird voraussichtlich zwischen dem 1. und dem 16. Dezember liegen. Während des Events können die Creators Belohnungen für ihre Live-Streams erhalten, sich mit anderen Creators vernetzen und ihre Kreativität einem globalen Publikum zeigen. Das Event umfasst verschiedene Aktivitäten, bei denen Creators die Möglichkeit haben, exklusive Preise zu gewinnen. Die bestplatzierten Creators haben außerdem die Chance, Belohnungen zu erhalten, zu einer VIP-Veranstaltung für globale Creator im nächsten Jahr eingeladen zu werden und zusätzliche Diamond-Belohnungen zu erhalten. TikToks Ziel ist es, das Potenzial von Live-Streaming und Live-Commerce auf der Plattform hervorzuheben, ähnlich wie es bei der chinesischen Version namens „Douyin“ der Fall ist. Das Event ist Teil der Bemühungen von TikTok, seinen Top-Talenten beim Geldverdienen zu unterstützen und mehr In-Stream-Einkäufe auf der Plattform zu ermöglichen.

Community Reaction and Official Responses

The announcement of TikTok’s LIVE Fest has generated excitement among the TikTok community. Many creators are eagerly anticipating the event as an opportunity to showcase their skills and connect with a global audience. The prospect of winning rewards and recognition has further fueled the enthusiasm.

Creators have been sharing their thoughts and expectations for the event on TikTok and other social media platforms. Some hope to gain more followers and exposure through their live streams, while others are excited about the chance to network with fellow creators and learn from their peers. The competitive nature of the challenges has also sparked a sense of determination among creators to put their best foot forward.

Official responses to the event have been positive as well. TikTok recognizes the creativity and talent of its users and aims to provide them with opportunities to thrive on the platform. LIVE Fest aligns with TikTok’s commitment to supporting its creators and fostering a vibrant community.

Furthermore, TikTok has been actively promoting the event through its official channels and providing creators with resources and tips to enhance their live streaming experience. This proactive approach demonstrates TikTok’s dedication to making LIVE Fest a success for both creators and viewers.


TikTok’s LIVE Fest is an exciting endeavor that aims to promote live-streaming and live commerce on the platform. By organizing a global event, TikTok is providing creators with a platform to showcase their talent, connect with a global audience, and earn rewards. The engagement and enthusiasm from the TikTok community indicate that this event will be highly anticipated and well-received.

With activities and challenges designed to bring out the best in creators, TikTok is offering a unique opportunity for creators to gain recognition and rewards. The event also aligns with TikTok’s goal of replicating the success of live streaming and live commerce on its Chinese counterpart, Douyin, further showcasing its commitment to innovation and growth.

As the event approaches, it will be interesting to see how creators embrace the challenges and engage with their audience. TikTok’s focus on promoting live-streaming and live commerce through LIVE Fest demonstrates its dedication to nurturing the creative community and providing a dynamic platform for content creation.

What are your thoughts on TikTok’s LIVE Fest? Are you excited to see the live streams and challenges? Share your expectations and experiences in the comments below!
