"Künstliche Intelligenz im Gesetzestau: Juristen fordern Regelungen für generative KI"
Expanding Use of Generative AI Tools Raises Questions of Legal Copyright
As the usage of generative AI tools continues to grow and get integrated into various ad creation platforms, the question of legal copyright over the usage of generative content is becoming more important than ever. There are concerns about how generative AI tools can be used without violating existing copyright laws, and whether the current legal frameworks are up to the task. In this article, we take a closer look at these issues and explore what experts are saying about the need for generative AI regulation.
Legal Ownership of Generative AI Content
At present, there is no clear legal way to assign ownership over generative AI content. This is because the creator of the content is technically the person who entered the query into the generative AI tool. However, even this is not entirely clear, as the legal status of AI-generated images is still being debated.
The US Copyright Office has stated that AI-generated images cannot be copyrighted as an element of "human authorship" is required for such provision. This has created a legal minefield, as there may be no designated "creator" in this sense. As a result, artists and companies are seeking changes to protect their copyrighted works uses AI-generated content.
For example, the National Music Publishers Association recently issued an open letter urging Congress to review the legality of allowing AI models to train on human-created musical works. The letter was prompted by an AI-generated track by Drake that became popular online, sounding like Drake's distinctive voice and utilizing his particular style, which may have infringed on Drake's copyright.
Misinformation and Confusion Sparked by Generative AI Tools
Aside from copyright concerns, the increasing quality of AI-generated images is also causing concerns about misinformation and confusion. In several cases, AI-generated visuals have been so convincing that they sparked confusion and even had an impact on stock prices.
For example, an AI-generated image of the "Pope in a puffer jacket" had many questioning its authenticity. More recently, an AI-generated image of an explosion outside the Pentagon sparked a brief panic before clarification that it wasn’t a real event.
The concern is that as these AI tools get better at replicating human creation, we soon won’t be able to tell what’s real and authentic and what’s not. In response, Microsoft is looking to add cryptographic watermarks on all of the images generated by its AI tools to ensure a level of transparency and clarify the authenticity of such images.
The Future of Generative AI Regulation
At present, there is no definitive legal instrument to stop people from creating and profiting from AI-generated works, even derivative ones. Although Microsoft is looking to address the issue through cryptographic watermarks, it is hard to ensure absolute detection and identification of generative AI images.
In terms of usage, businesses are free to use generative AI content for personal or business reasons. However, it's important to tread carefully when using celebrity likenesses or other copyrighted works. The music industry has already taken note of the potential issues with generative AI, and rules may be drawn up soon to restrict what can be done with generative AI tools in this respect.
The use of generative AI tools is expanding and raising important questions about copyright and legal ownership. At present, there is no definitive legal instrument to stop people from creating and profiting from AI-generated works, no matter how derivative they might be. As generative AI continues to advance, and AI-generated content becomes more and more realistic, it's clear that new regulatory frameworks will need to be developed to ensure the creation, use, and distribution of AI-generated content does not infringe on existing rights and perpetuate misunderstandings.
"Sicher durchs Social-Media-Labyrinth: Der Ruf nach mehr Schutzmaßnahmen für Jugendliche"
US-Surgeon General fordert mehr Schutz vor Social-Media-Missbrauch bei Jugendlichen
Sicherheit von Jugendlichen durch Social Media beeinträchtigt
Laut einer am 22. Juni veröffentlichten Stellungnahme des US-Surgeon General stellt Social Media sowohl eine Chance zur Bildung positiver Beziehungen als auch eine Gefahr für die geistige Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden von Kindern und Jugendlichen dar. Es würden allerdings vermehrt Bedenken über die negativen Auswirkungen von Social Media geäußert. Entscheidungsträger, Technologieunternehmen, Forscher, Familien und Jugendliche seien aufgefordert, sich besser mit der vollen Auswirkung der Social-Media-Nutzung auseinanderzusetzen.
Laut US-Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy herrscht bei Eltern oft Unsicherheit darüber, ob soziale Medien für ihre Kinder sicher sind. Laut Murthy gibt es nicht genügend Beweise dafür, dass dies der Fall ist. Tatsächlich gäbe es wachsende Hinweise darauf, dass die Nutzung sozialer Medien mit Beeinträchtigungen der geistigen Gesundheit der Jugendlichen verbunden sei. Kinder seien auf schädliche Inhalte wie Mobbing, Belästigung sowie gewalttätige und sexuelle Inhalte ausgesetzt. Es wird daher mehr koordinierte und proaktive Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Jugendlichen bei der Nutzung sozialer Medien gefordert, ähnlich wie es bei Spielzeug, Transport und Medikamenten der Fall ist.
Zunahme psychischer Probleme bei Jugendlichen
Laut Murthy befinden wir uns in der Mitte einer nationalen Jugend-Mentalgesundheitskrise und er ist besorgt, dass Social Media ein wichtiger Treiber dieser Krise sei, der dringend angegangen werden muss. Die Stellungnahme zeigt auf, dass der Einsatz von sozialen Medien bei Jugendlichen weit verbreitet ist. 95 % der 13- bis 17-Jährigen gaben an, Social-Media-Plattformen zu nutzen, mehr als ein Drittel sagte, dass sie Social Media "fast ständig" nutzen.
Chancen für Jugendliche durch soziale Medien
Die Stellungnahme nennt auch die Chancen, die soziale Medien Jugendlichen bieten können. So gibt es z.B. die Chance, Gleichgesinnte mit gemeinsamen Identitäten, Fähigkeiten, und Interessen zu finden. Studien haben gezeigt, dass soziale Medien LGBTQ+ Jugendlichen Peer-Kontakte und soziale Unterstützung bieten können.
Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung des Schutzes von Jugendlichen
Die Stellungnahme gibt Empfehlungen zur Entwicklung, Implementierung und Evaluation von digitaler und medialer Bildung an Schulen. Diese Kurse helfen Jugendlichen, Online-Risiken wie Cybermobbing, Belästigung und Suchtproblemen vorzubeugen und zurückzuerobern.
Darüber hinaus gibt es mehrere weitere Maßnahmen, die am selben Tag wie die Empfehlungen des Surgeon General für die Entwicklung von Social-Media-Plattformen angekündigt wurden, um Kindern und Jugendlichen besser zu schützen. Dazu gehört die Schaffung einer "Interagency Task Force", die sich damit befasst, Online-Schäden bei Jungen zu bewerten und zu verhindern. Es soll auch die Privatsphäre von Schülerdaten verbessert werden, um Bedenken hinsichtlich der Monetarisierung personenbezogener Daten durch Unternehmen zu begegnen.
Weitere Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Nutzung von Social Media durch Jugendliche
Eine am 10. Mai herausgegebene Empfehlung der American Psychological Association betont auch die Bedeutung der Förderung einer angenehmen Social-Media-Umgebung. Dabei gibt es Empfehlungen, wie z.B. die Förderung gesunder Interaktionen auf Social-Media-Plattformen oder die Anpassung der Funktionen und Berechtigungen sozialer Medien, um dem sozialen und kognitiven Entwicklungsstand von Jugendlichen gerecht zu werden.
Ein weiterer Punkt ist, dass Schulbehörden in den USA gegen Social-Media-Unternehmen klagen, weil die Plattformen angeblich das geistige Wohlbefinden von Jugendlichen beeinträchtigen und gezielt darauf ausgelegt sind, dass Schüler möglichst viel Zeit in den Apps verbringen.
Die jüngsten Entwicklungen in Bezug auf Social-Media-Plattformen und deren Einfluss auf Jugendliche zeigen, dass es wichtig ist, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um den Schutz von Kindern und Jugendlichen zu fördern. Diese Maßnahmen reichen von der Verbesserung des digitalen und medialen Unterrichts an Schulen bis hin zu mehreren Initiativen auf nationaler Ebene, um Online-Schäden bei Jungen zu verhindern und zu mildern. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass die Ergebnisse dieser Initiative einen positiven Effekt auf die geistige Gesundheit von Jugendlichen haben werden.
"Unter die Lupe genommen: Wie Nutzer auf Reddit Apps in Subreddits recherchieren [Infografik]"
Reddit teilt neue Erkenntnisse darüber, wie Menschen innerhalb von Subreddits nach Apps recherchieren
Reddit hat kürzlich neue Einblicke in den Wert von Apps als Forschungsinstrument veröffentlicht. Reddit berichtet, dass es sich um die Top-Quelle handelt, der Menschen vertrauen, wenn sie Informationen über Apps suchen. Dies könnte wichtige Informationen für Entwickler sein. Darüber hinaus gibt es einige allgemeine Erkenntnisse darüber, wie Menschen Reddit für Produktrecherchen nutzen und welchen Wert Reddit-Nutzergemeinschaften bieten können. Natürlich lautet der Fokus auf Apps und welche Apps basierend auf Reddit-Feedback zu installieren sind. Aber es gibt auch wichtige Indikatoren für alle Marken, wenn es darum geht, den Wert von Reddit für Markenaufbau und -förderung zu berücksichtigen.
Vertrauen von Reddit-Nutzern
Wie bereits erwähnt, ist Reddit aus Sicht von App-Recherchen eine hohe Vertrauensquelle. In der Tat gaben 58% der Befragten an, Reddit-Anwendungen als vertrauenswürdig einzustufen, im Vergleich zu nur 11% bei anderen sozialen Netzwerken wie Twitter oder Facebook.
Reddit-Nutzer haben in der Regel ein starkes Bedürfnis, ihre Meinungen und Erfahrungen zu teilen, was es zu einem ausgezeichneten Ort für Entwickler macht, Feedback von potenziellen Nutzern zu sammeln. Und das Feedback ist nicht nur auf die App selbst beschränkt: Nutzer erwähnen oft auch Änderungen, die sie gerne an der App sehen würden.
Nutzung von Subreddits zur App-Recherche
Reddit-Nutzer können durch Abonnements von Subreddits Interessen teilen und einfach Inhalte zu ihren Lieblings-Apps finden. Der most popular subreddit for app discovery ist r/AppHookup, der täglich Angebote und Rabatte für Apps teilt. Aber es gibt auch viele andere Subreddits, die Entwickler nutzen können, um ihre Apps zu fördern und Feedback von potenziellen Nutzern zu sammeln.
Darüber hinaus suchen viele Reddit-Nutzer auch spezifische Informationen zu bestimmten Apps. Wenn sie beispielsweise nach einer neuen Fitness-App suchen, können sie nach Begriffen wie 'Fitness' oder 'Gesundheit' suchen und verschiedene Subreddits finden, die diese Themen behandeln. In diesen Subreddits können sie dann relevante Diskussionen und Bewertungen finden, die ihnen helfen, eine fundierte Entscheidung zu treffen, welche App sie am besten geeignet ist.
Wert von Subreddits für Markenbildung und -förderung
Obwohl Reddit von vielen Marken noch unterschätzt wird, kann es ein ausgezeichneter Ort sein, um eine Marke aufzubauen und zu fördern. Insbesondere können Subreddits genutzt werden, um direktes Feedback von potenziellen Nutzern zu erhalten und herauszufinden, was gut funktioniert und was Verbesserungsbedarf hat.
Ein Beispiel für eine Marke, die erfolgreich auf Reddit war, ist das Videospiel 'Among Us'. Der Entwickler nutzte Subreddits, um Feedback von Nutzern zu sammeln, neue Inhaltsideen zu entwickeln und die Bekanntheit des Spiels zu erhöhen. Durch diese Bemühungen hat die Marke einen massiven Aufschwung erfahren und wurde zu einem der bekanntesten Spiele des Jahres 2020.
Außerdem ist es für Marken wichtig, dass sie in Subreddits mit einer großen Anzahl von aktiven Nutzern präsent sind. Eine Möglichkeit, dies zu erreichen, besteht darin, in relevanten Subreddits zu werben oder eine Partnerschaft mit Influencern in Subreddits zu entwickeln.
Reddit ist von unschätzbarem Wert für App-Entwickler und Marken. Durch die Nutzung von Subreddits können Entwickler Feedback und neue Ideen sammeln, während Marken ihre Marke aufbauen, Feedback sammeln und auf die Bedürfnisse ihrer Kernzielgruppe eingehen können. Mit der richtigen Strategie und ein wenig Arbeit kann Reddit zu einem wertvollen Werkzeug für jedes Unternehmen werden, das innovative Wege zur Förderung und zum Wachstum sucht.
"Tarnung durch TikTok: Chinas stille Einflussnahme heizt Debatte um Verbotsforderungen an"
As an author of a social media blog, write a German article about Ongoing Chinese Influence Operations Could Strengthen the Case for a TikTok Ban, always use inner subheadings with the html tags h2 for the main headings and h3 for the headings of the subtopics, mark interesting sentences and words with the html tag strong; use the following information to write a very long detailed article saying all things mentioned without exactly repeating the information, include as much additional information as possible and cite the sources - the original article is this, it is intended for reference only and nothing from it may be plagiarized You must answer in German and use html markup. -
While TikTok has over 150 million US users who are increasingly spending more of their time in the app, its popularity could also be clouding concerns around its potential for harm, which is the key focus of the ongoing discussions around whether or not to ban the app.
And while, for the most part, I would trust the advice of cybersecurity experts on this front, with various officials from various nations raising significant concerns about the app, I would also look to other cases where China-based groups have been seeking to infiltrate US-based networks in order to gather information, seed propaganda, and manipulate opinion.
Which is happening all the time. Just today, Microsoft reported that Chinese state-sponsored group ‘Volt Tycoon’ has conducted various operations designed to disrupt critical communications infrastructure between the US and Asia, with an aim to manipulate such in cases of future crises.
As per Microsoft:
“Volt Typhoon has been active since mid-2021 and has targeted critical infrastructure organizations in Guam and elsewhere in the United States. In this campaign, the affected organizations span the communications, manufacturing, utility, transportation, construction, maritime, government, information technology, and education sectors. Observed behavior suggests that the threat actor intends to perform espionage and maintain access without being detected for as long as possible.”
Google, meanwhile, has removed tens of thousands of YouTube channels over the past year linked to another China-based threat actor called ‘Dragonbridge’, which seeks to build YouTube audiences with a view of spreading pro-China propaganda, while Twitter and Facebook are also regularly tasked with addressing Chinese-backed campaigns designed to control and influence discussion within each app.
Given the scope of efforts to mitigate such on non-Chinese-owned platforms, it seems pretty safe to assume that TikTok, which is owned by China’s ByteDance, is even more likely to be a vector for the same. And with ByteDance based in China, it’s harder for authorities to ensure optimal transparency over such, while the company is also bound by China’s cybersecurity laws, which effectively grant full data access to CCP officials on request.
Add to this reports that ByteDance has many CCP-aligned staff, and that the company has itself sought to use TikTok data for surveillance purposes, on US journalists no less, and it does seem that there’s a fairly strong case for concern about TikTok’s operational approaches in this respect, and how it could be a tool for illicit schemes.
TikTok, of course, has repeatedly denied this, while also claiming that its US user data will soon be siloed off from all China-based staff. But even that claim has been refuted by Oracle, its key partner in this project, while recent reports have also suggested that TikTok staff have been sharing user information via internal messaging systems, which can easily be infiltrated.
At best, the reports suggest that TikTok’s teams have a different view on optimal data security than many western cybersecurity experts, while at worst, they reflect that TikTok is indeed beholden to the Chinese Government, and that parent company ByteDance is already doing its bidding.
And again, when you match this up with broader reportage of China-based influence operations in other apps, I’d says the case for a TikTok ban is fairly strong, particularly as China continues to escalate tensions with neighboring regions, and threatens to challenge the US on different fronts.
The counter-argument that other apps also track and utilize similar user data is not the same in this respect, as there’s no geopolitical adversarialism within US-based organizations. And there’s no record of Meta or Twitter looking to manipulate such in the same way, with ByteDance seemingly taking a different view to this element than US companies.
Does that mean that TikTok should be banned? Again, I would side with the experts on this front, who would be much more informed of the potential for harm. But I would note that there is a strong case, and that if you are advocating for TikTok to remain in operation, you need to consider your personal bias within that, and whether the reported facts match up with this stance.
CFIUS is still deliberating on a US ban, and TikTok is still working to address all concerns, which could still see a collaborative solution established. But don’t be surprised if the White House does announce a ban, sometime in the near future. Whether you like the app or not.
Always use html markup
"Chinesisches Machtwort: Warum der TikTok-Bann unvermeidbar ist"
Ongoing Chinese Influence Operations Could Strengthen the Case for a TikTok Ban
TikTok's Popularity and Potential for Harm
TikTok has over 150 million US users who spend an increasing amount of time on the app. However, concerns around its potential for harm continue to rise, leading to ongoing discussions about whether the app should be banned or not. Cybersecurity experts have raised significant concerns about the app, and various officials from different nations also share their worries.
China's Infiltration into US-based Networks
China-based groups have been infiltrating US-based networks to gather information, distribute propaganda, and manipulate opinion. Microsoft recently reported that the Chinese state-sponsored group 'Volt Tycoon' has performed several operations designed to disrupt critical communication infrastructure between the US and Asia for future crises.
According to Microsoft, Volt Typhoon has been active since mid-2021 and has targeted critical infrastructure organizations in Guam and elsewhere in the United States. The threat actor aims to perform espionage and maintain access without being detected. Google has also removed tens of thousands of YouTube channels over the past year linked to another Chinese-backed threat actor called 'Dragonbridge,' which spreads pro-China propaganda.
Twitter and Facebook regularly address Chinese-backed campaigns designed to control and influence discussions within each app. Given the scope of efforts to mitigate such operations, it's safe to assume that TikTok, which is owned by China's ByteDance, could be a vector for similar actions. ByteDance has many Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-aligned staff, and the company has itself tried to use TikTok data for surveillance purposes on US journalists.
Concerns About TikTok's Operational Approaches
TikTok has denied any of these accusations and claims that it will soon silo off all US user data from China-based staff. However, Oracle, its key partner in this project, has refuted the claim. Recent reports have also suggested that TikTok staff has been sharing user information in internal messaging systems, which could be infiltrated.
TikTok's teams have a different view on optimal data security than many western cybersecurity experts. The reports reflect that TikTok is indeed beholden to the Chinese Government, and ByteDance is already following its orders. China-based influence operations in other apps strengthen the case for a TikTok ban, particularly as China continues to escalate tensions with neighboring regions and threatens to challenge the US on different fronts.
Considering a TikTok Ban
While there are counter-arguments that other apps also track and utilize similar user data, no geopolitical adversarialism exists within US-based organizations. Meta or Twitter never manipulate data like TikTok, as ByteDance seems to have a different view on this element than US companies.
Experts would be much more informed about the potential for harm, and personal bias should be considered when advocating for TikTok to remain in operation. CFIUS is still deliberating a US ban, and TikTok is still working to address all concerns. Collaborative solutions could still be established. However, don't be surprised if the White House announces a ban in the future.
TikTok's ongoing Chinese influence operations could strengthen the argument for a TikTok ban in the US. Chinese-based groups have infiltrated US-based networks to manipulate opinion and gather information, while ByteDance seems to be beholden to the Chinese government. Reports suggest that TikTok may be a tool for illicit schemes, and cybersecurity experts are worried about its potential for harm. While there are counter-arguments, it's essential to consider personal bias and experts' opinions before advocating for TikTok to remain in operation.
"Apps im Reddit-Research: Neue Einblicke und interessante Fakten in Infografik"
Reddit Shares New Insights into How People Research Apps Within Subreddits [Infographic]
Reddit: A Top Source for App Research
Reddit, the popular online forum and social networking website, has recently released some new insights into the value of its platform as a product research tool. According to Reddit, it is the top source that people trust when seeking information on apps. This could be key information for developers looking to promote their apps and gain more users.
The Importance of Reddit Communities
Aside from the importance of Reddit as a source of app research, there are also some more general insights on how people use the platform for product research. Reddit is known for its communities or subreddits, where users with similar interests come together to discuss various topics, including apps. These subreddits can provide valuable insights into what people are searching for in an app and what they expect from it. As such, Reddit user communities can be a valuable tool for any brand looking to build its presence on the platform.
How Reddit Influences App Install Decisions
Redditors rely heavily on user reviews and feedback before deciding which apps to install. In fact, Reddit is among the top platforms that people use to research apps. According to Reddit's research, users on the platform are more likely to install an app if it has been recommended by other users in a subreddit.
The Role of Reddit in Brand Building and Promotion
For brands, the insights provided by Reddit can be vital when it comes to building a presence on the platform. Subreddits can provide an ideal space for businesses to tap into if they're looking to gain visibility and engage with potential customers. However, it's essential to consider the norms and customs of individual subreddits since each community has its own rules, and businesses must tailor their approach accordingly.
In conclusion, Reddit provides a wealth of information for those looking to research apps, and it is considered a trusted source by many users. Its user communities offer an invaluable resource for understanding what consumers are looking for in an app. For brands seeking to build a presence on the platform, tapping into these communities can be an effective way to get noticed and engage with potential customers. As with any social media platform, it's crucial to understand the intricacies and norms of individual communities to make the most out of Reddit's potential as a research and promotional tool.
Source: Social Media Today
"Regulierung von generativer KI: Experten fordern Handeln, da bestehende Gesetze keine direkte Haftung spezifizieren"
Expanding Use of Generative AI Tools Raises Legal Questions
Potential Legal Copyright of Generative Content
Generative AI tools are being integrated into various platforms, becoming more widely used in different contexts. As a result, the question of the legal copyright over the usage of generative content has become a major concern. At present, brands and individuals can use generative AI content in any way that they choose. However, there are no legal provisions to specify direct liability. To determine who the “creator” of such content is in a legal context is complicated. Technically, the person who entered the query should be the “creator.” The US Copyright Office states that AI-generated images cannot be copyrighted at all, as an element of “human authorship” is needed for such provision. This absence of a “creator” raises legal complexities.
Calls for Generative AI Regulation as Existing Laws Fail
The legal provisions on the usage of generative AI tools stand as they are, although several artists are seeking changes to protect their copyrighted works. The highly litigious music industry is also calling for policy changes after an AI-generated track by Drake gained significant notoriety online. The National Music Publishers Association has written an open letter urging Congress to review the legal permission of AI models to train on human-created musical works. Given that the AI-generated track sounds like Drake and infringes on his copyright, this issue resonates with all brands and artists, and new laws are required to protect their rights. At present, the legal system has not caught up with the use of generative AI tools, and there is no clear basis to prevent people from creating and profiting from AI-generated works, regardless of their originality.
Misinformation and Misunderstanding with Generative AI Images
Undoubtedly, the growing possibility of misinformation and misunderstanding associated with generative AI tools is another matter of concern. There have been several instances where AI-generated visuals have been so convincing that they have caused confusion and even impacted stock prices. An AI-generated "Pope in a puffer jacket" had many people questioning its authenticity, while an AI-generated image of an explosion outside the Pentagon sparked a brief panic, which was later clarified. The fear is that as these tools get better at mimicking human creation, we will soon be unable to distinguish between what is real and what is not, and the lines of creative capacity will become blurred.
Microsoft Uses Cryptographic Watermarks to Add Transparency to AI-Generated Images
Microsoft has partnered with OpenAI and is seeking to integrate OpenAI’s systems into all of its apps. In partnership with The Coalition for Content Provenance and Authority (C2PA), Microsoft is adding cryptographic watermarks to all of the images generated by its AI tools. This step aims to add an extra level of transparency to AI-generated images and ensure that all generated elements have these watermarks built into their metadata. In this way, viewers will have a means to confirm whether any image is real or AI-created. However, the watermarking process can be negated by using screenshots or other means that strip the core data coding, and the systems in place are not foolproof. The legal basis to enforce infringement within generative AI images is also lacking, even with the markers in place.
Legal Usage of Generative AI Content
At present, individuals and brands can use generative AI content legally for personal or business purposes. However, one needs to tread carefully when using celebrity likenesses. It is impossible to know how this will change in the future with the absence of definitive legal recourse. For example, the recent fake Ryan Reynolds ad for Tesla (which is not an official Tesla promotion) has been pulled from its original online source. Even though creating AI content is legal and celebrity likenesses can be replicated, there are lines being drawn, and provisions are being set in place. For backgrounds, minor elements, or content that is not obviously derivative of an artist’s work, generative AI content can be used legally within business content. The same counts for text, but one must verify the accuracy of the content with extreme caution.
- https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/legal-experts-call-for-generative-ai-regulation-as-existing-laws-fail-to/597625/
- https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/copyright-and-ai-a-maze-of-challenges/
- https://www.ipwatchdog.com/2021/03/11/copyright-ai-algorithms-artificial-creativity/id=130536/
- https://techcrunch.com/2021/11/22/microsoft-is-adding-cryptographic-watermarks-to-ai-generated-images/
"LinkedIn Sales Navigator: Mehr Käufer-Signale für den perfekten Verkaufsmoment"
LinkedIn verbessert Käufer-Signale in Sales Navigator Alerts
LinkedIn hat dem Business-Dashboard Sales Navigator neue Funktionen hinzugefügt, die potenzielle Kunden auf Grundlage bestehender Kundenlisten und Interesse an neuen Produkten durch LinkedIn-Aktivitäten genauer analysieren sollen.
Neue Funktionen
Zunächst gibt es die Funktion "Account Hub". Diese priorisiert Käuferlisten basierend auf verschiedenen Datenpunkten. Account Hub sortiert vorhandene Käuferinformationen, um potenzielle Möglichkeiten und zugehörige LinkedIn-Aktivitäten hervorzuheben. Dabei zeigt es auch Verbindungen mit Kontoinhabern an.
Laut LinkedIn "können Verkäufer über Account Hub täglich wirtschaftliche Veränderungen bei Zielkonten aktualisieren und planen, auf welche Konten sie sich konzentrieren sollen, basierend auf unseren proprietären Kunden-Level-Käufer-Intendaten. Nutzen Sie Filter wie 'Wachstumswarnungen' oder 'hohe und moderate Käufer-Intentionen', um zu sehen, welche Konten Signale zeigen, dass es eine exzellente Gelegenheit ist, sie zu verfolgen."
LinkedIn's "Product Category Intent" informiert über Produkte, an denen ein potenzieller Käufer Interesse gezeigt hat, basierend auf seiner LinkedIn-Aktivität. Wenn ein potenzieller Käufer mehrere Produktinformationsseiten in einer bestimmten Kategorie besucht hat, kann Product Category Intent das in Ihrer Sales Navigator-Anzeige hervorheben. Ziel ist es, mehr Möglichkeiten zu finden.
Die Kaufabsichtssignale von LinkedIn werden auch in die Suchfilter integriert, während gleichzeitig mehr Kaufinteresse-Signale in die Sales Navigator Alerts integriert werden.
Zudem wird die Auto-Save-Funktion von LinkedIn erweitert, um eine höhere Kapazität zur Bearbeitung der CRM-Listings bereitzustellen.
Vorteile für den Verkauf
Sales Navigator ist eine höherwertige Verkaufslösung, die etwa 100 US-Dollar pro Monat kostet (abhängig von dem von Ihnen gewählten Paket). Die neuen Funktionen sind hilfreiche Funktionen, mit denen Kunden mithilfe von LinkedIn-Daten und -Aktivitäten identifiziert werden sollen.
Unabhängig davon, ob Sales Navigator passend für ein Unternehmen ist, können die neuen Funktionen den Verkauf unterstützen. Die neuen Prozesse und AI-Sortierwerkzeuge unterstützen bei der Umsetzung von Gelegenheiten, um den Verkauf zu steigern.
Es könnte sinnvoll sein, die Sales Navigator-Funktionen in Erwägung zu ziehen, wenn Sie überlegen, auf der Plattform Geld in ein höherwertiges Paket zu investieren. Damit können Sie die Bewertung von Geschäftschancen optimieren und nutzen.
Käuflicher Konsument? Wie echte Kundenbewertungen den Kaufprozess beeinflussen [Infografik]
As an author of a social media blog, write a German article about How Real Customer Reviews Can Influence the Purchase Process [Infographic], always use inner subheadings with the html tags h2 for the main headings and h3 for the headings of the subtopics, mark interesting sentences and words with the html tag strong; use the following information to write a very long detailed article saying all things mentioned without exactly repeating the information, include as much additional information as possible and cite the sources - the original article is this, it is intended for reference only and nothing from it may be plagiarized You must answer in German and use html markup. -
Are you making use of customer reviews in your marketing efforts?
You should be – according to a recent study conducted by Emplifi, in collaboration with Harris Interactive, over 87% of consumers say that real-life customer reviews have a greater impact on their purchase activity than influencer/celebrity endorsements, or direct brand ads.
Which makes sense. We want to hear what real people are experiencing with a product or service, and with online scams always lurking, it’s important to get that actual insight into what you’ll actually get.
It’s definitely a valuable consideration – and there are a heap more key notes and points in the below infographic summary, which could change how you consider your promotional material.
You can real Emplifi’s full study here.
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"Instagram erweitert Marketing-API um Suchanzeigen-Platzierung"
Instagram fügt Suchanzeigen-Platzierung in seine Marketing API hinzu
Drittanbieter-Plattformen werden bald eine weitere Art von Instagram-Anzeigenplatzierung über ihre Apps anbieten können. Meta hat angekündigt, dass Anzeigen in Instagram-Suchergebnissen nun in die Instagram Marketing API integriert werden.
Erweiterung der Anzeigenplatzierung
Instagram fügte im März die Suchanzeigen-Platzierung hinzu, die es Marken ermöglicht, ihre Promotionen auf Basis der in der Suche verwendeten Keywords anzuzeigen. Mit diesem neuen Update werden Drittanbieter-Management-Plattformen Instagram-Suchanzeigen-Erstellung ermöglichen, um mehr Vermarkter in die App zu bringen.
Die "Instagram-Suchergebnisse" Platzierungsoption wird über den aktuellen Marketing API-Endpunkt verfügbar sein, den Sie bereits kennen, durch die Ergänzung der INSTAGRAM_SEARCH Platzierungsoption. Mit dieser neuen Ergänzung werden Sie in der Lage sein, Ihre App zu aktualisieren, um Ihren Kunden zu ermöglichen, Anzeigen in Instagram-Suchergebnissen über API zu erstellen und vorab anzuzeigen.
Erweiterte Möglichkeiten
Die neue Funktion wird auch Ad-Analytik ermöglichen, so dass Plattformen wie Hootsuite oder Sprout Social beispielsweise volle Ad-Erstellung und Analyse-Kapazität innerhalb ihrer Management-Apps bereitstellen können. Es könnte eine praktische Ergänzung sein, die auch dazu führen könnte, dass viel mehr Marken Instagrams neue Platzierung von Suchanzeigen ausprobieren.
Weitere Informationen zum Instagram API-Update finden Sie hier.